—------ I’m Coming out of a 2 month long depression where I haven’t been able to create anything …. Not a damn thing… the mood dysregulation and lows and depressions that come with having ADHD and severe mood swings take a huge toll on my mental health, my life, my relationships, and everything! I end up sleeping 12-16 hours a day sometimes when it’s really bad. I’m always my most miserable when I don’t even feel like creating. These anti-trans bills and homophobic legislation all across the USA right now is taking a major toll on me.

Me and every trans person I know is suffering or scared or just too damn tired from all of this. Why do people care so much what others with with their own lives… I present to you the start of a new piece “My Existence is not up for debate… HOW MUCH BLOOD SHED IS ENOUGH?” — this piece, once finished, will be available for sale at the gallery show this September!
--- ADHDalex